Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Black and white photo letter art

Hello friends,
      Today I'm sharing a very special artwork project I have been working on for a few months now.
I love the photo letter art that I've seen a few places, 
and decided to make my own. 
It's finally finished and I love it!!

This is just a small sample of how much  EVERYTHING
I see reminds me of her.

The most time consuming, but fun ,  part of this was getting pictures
of the right letters.
I  wanted them to be naturally formed intoarchitecture,
but the options are endless!
I was surprised how easy this was.

Once I had all the photos
I just made a collage using the 'picture pile' setting in Picasa 3.

Picasa is a free software download from Google that helps you:
  • Locate and organize all your photos
  • Edit and add effects to your photos
  • Create galleries
  • Can update your Picasa web albums automatically

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  1. I love this ! I've seen this type of art recently and have been wanting to try it !! Love what you did ! ;)

  2. I'm going to try this, I just need to hit the city with my camera. Hopefully i can find some good shots to get the letters I need!
