This is such a weird thing. If you asked me two years ago if I could see myself running a 5K, I would have laughingly said
No Way! I HATED running, jogging... all of it. I couldn't even last half a block and I was huffing and puffing like the out of shape person I was. But after the loss of my little girl and carrying around 20 extra lbs of chub, I decided to give it a try. In the beginning I think I was ( in some twisted way) punishing myself. I know! sounds disturbing, but it really gave me the shove I needed, because this running thing does not come naturally to me AT ALL. I really had to force myself to keep going sometimes, sometimes letting the tears fall as I ran. I started out at a few blocks jogging, then walking a little, until all of a sudden I was jogging a full mile! Wow! I
Can do this. The accomplishment felt huge to me. Next thing I know I'm pushing to two miles. That was enough for me for a while, jogging 2 miles a few times a week eating healthier meals and just watching my body slowly but surely shrinking back into my "skinny" clothes. Now I LOVE running.
So with a few of my friends running 5k's. I'm thinking .... why not? Can't be that hard... well it IS hard. I just hit a wall at 2 miles, 3? not happening, I just couldn't do it. So I downloaded this
" couch to 5k" app to my ipod.... I'm 4 weeks in and loving it. I sorta feel like I'm going backwards a little bit, but it's building a good strong base. It's helping me with my endurance, speed and distance making it a win, win, win situation for me :) So if all goes well I will be 5k ready in 4 more weeks!
So although I realize this certainly is not for everyone, I encourage you to try running...I thought I hated it and couldn't do it too. It is such a good feeling though to just get out there and put all your issues, stress, whatever heavy load you're carrying and just run it away.
I am 4 lbs away from my goal weight and I have lost a ton of inches AND here's the bonus: I'm enjoying myself while doing it!
That is satisfaction to me....
Love this Debby. I can't wait to run 5Ks with you in honor of Avery :)